YOUTH Volume 2, the sequel to the acclaimed teen superhero drama by visionary writer Curt Pires will arrive in paperback from Dark Horse Books, on January 24, 2023, marking the first time that the book will be available in print for customers in comic shops, bookstores, and libraries. (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, local comic shop)
Written by Curt Pires and with art by Alex Diotto, co-creators of the acclaimed comic Olympia, with colors by Dee Cunniffe and letters by Micah Myers, YOUTH is an epic superhuman saga unlike any other. YOUTH is currently in development as an original series with Amazon Studios with executive producer Patrick Moran.
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Praise for YOUTH Volume 1:“Bold, genre-defying and heartfelt, YOUTH hits a reader like the meteor in its own pages; an angry, wonderous and transformative book.” –Scott Snyder, writer Batman, American Vampire, Nocterra
“Pires, Diotto, Cunniffe and Myers mix scathing dialogue, gestural lines and a blazing colour scheme to take a well-worn genre and inject it with a new, rebellious pulse. Posthuman powers plus iGen hormones equals hyper-violent results. YOUTH takes the established superhero fruit and peels it with a post millennial edge.”–Declan Shalvey, writer Moon Knight, Bog Bodies
“If you’re a fan of Chronicle, or even more recent intimate superhero stories like Fast Color,
it’s very much worth checking out.” –SYFY Wire