In part three of a four-part miniseries from writer Mike Mignola, Koshchei in Hell #3 takes us, of course, to somewhere in Hell.
This Dark Horse title in the Hellboy universe has been a really strong read so far; dragged away from his ‘retirement’ of reading and lying around relaxifying, Koshchei now uncovers a nefarious plan to release an ‘evil’. Perhaps the last demon! But Koshchei also has a new companion, kind of a pain in the buttinsky, but a companion nonetheless. What will transpire?
Mignola’s script has really sharp-witted dialogue and efficient scene handling. Things happen, other things are spooky and helllike, plus many things go bump in the day and all of the night. And so they should.
Artist Ben Stenbeck continues to light delight his scenes as if they occur on a stage, that is, top lit, with plenty of shadow. The better to set the mood, describe the beasts and teeth and expressions of quizzical terror.
I like the sinister and subtle colouring of the rocks and paths and demons by Dave Stewart. The bright flames licking the earth colours to death, the mauves and greens spoiling and making things rot. Letters by Clem Robins, Editor Katii O’Brien
So good, so bad. Check this one out.
Dark Horse, Koshchei in Hell #3, $3.99 for 24 pages of content