ITHACON looking for cosplayers to start getting ready to join in on the fun
With this year’s ITHACON tickets already on sale, it’s time for cosplayers to start getting their costumes ready!
ITHACON provides numerous cosplay opportunities for fans of all ages, most notably the annual cosplay runway, which gives attendees a chance to display their creative costumes while promoting the spirit of their favorite comic and pop-culture icons.
The cosplay runway is scheduled for both days of the convention, April 22nd and April 23rd at 1:00 PM. This year, ITHACON will also feature a unique figure-drawing session for all cosplayers. No previous art experience is required to participate, and cosplay lovers of all ages are encouraged to engage in the event. Art supplies will be provided, but attendees are more than welcome to bring their own.
In addition to the cosplay runway and the live figure drawing, there will also be a cosplay critique panel. Guests to the panel will provide guests with tips and tricks on how to create the perfect cosplay, as well as a Q & A session among attendees in costume.
We are also pleased to announce that the 501st Legion, the fan-favorite Star Wars cosplay group, will be returning for this year’s event. The group, also known as Vader’s Fist, is dedicated to bringing villains from the Star Wars universe to life, and is composed of fan volunteers worldwide.
ITHACON will also feature a cosplay repair station for any restoration needs and countless photo opportunities.
Fans can buy tickets for ITHACON 2023 now at
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