Left stranded on the surface of Gehenna, Victory and the rest of her Forged teammates, Crazy Jo, Harpo, Pusher, and Hap are set up, and must find a way off the planet. But first, they’ll have to survive their star fortress, The Radiant, from crashing down above them! 

Rucka and Trautmann throw Victory and her team right into the thick of things. One of the things that has to be mentioned is the way Rucka and Trautmann explore the functions and use of the Forged armored suits because there is a lot of thought that was put into it that when used in the story, truly serves its purpose beyond aesthetic, which is very pleasing as a reader and adds a layer of value to the story. As for the story, It’s engaging, seeing Victory and her teammates banter, bicker, and collaborate with one another as they investigate the cause of their home base,  The Radiant’s destruction while fighting for survival against the creatures of Gehenna. The issue is action-packed with a nice balance of mecha destruction, well-placed humor, and story that flies by despite it being a 64-page book, which is a good sign of a good time. 

Mike Henderson illustrates the book with bombastic action, and gives every panel and page energy, making purposeful and economical use of action that serves the story of the issue. Coupled with Nolan Woodard’s extraterrestrial colors and Ariana Maher’s lettering, for 64 pages, this sci-fi, action book is worth adding to your pull list for $5.99. Solid writing, solid art, warrior women in mech suits faced with hordes of enemies out to kill anything that moves? It’s worth picking up for new comic book day. 

By Anthony Andujar Jr.

Anthony Andujar Jr. is an NYC cartoonist and lover of comics and music. So much so that it led him to writing comic book reviews in between it all.

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