A frothy and well-blended recipe for fun and drama, The Great British Bump-Off #1 from Dark Horse hits our palette with bursts of flavour.
Writer John Allison has the recipe down-pat, with this pastiche based on the Great British Baking shows we have all seen on TV. But in this variation, the emphasis is on death and drama! Yes, someone has died!! But who is the murderer?
The dialogue feels crisp and fresh as we enjoy the biting remarks, the back-stabbing, the clashing of delicate egos. Max Sarin’s line art is scrumptious. He serves dollops of fluid, gyrating figures, broadly slapstick poses, and precious expressions. It´s like Bugs Bunny meets The Roadrunner meets The Incredibles. The camera angles, the closeups, the choreography is truly top-notch.
Sammy Boras takes a coloured spatula and carefully applies licks of brightness all over the place, baking in the rainbow goodness. And Jim Campbell´s letters are shapely, well sized, and served just right.
Honestly, this is a delicate balance, difficult to nail, but By George, this team has delivered the drama, and we are all the better for it. Let´s pick up this issue and stand in queue for the next! Dark Horse, The Great British Bump-Off #1, 24 pages of content