The Oddly Pedestrian Life of Christopher Chaos #1, a new miniseries from Dark Horse, is based on an idea by James Tynion IV, with its script by Tate Brombal.
Brombal takes us alongside the young Christopher Chaos, with his bright red roadster glasses and yellow rainjacket. Christopher, the teenaged and tormented fellow, sitting by the curb in the dark, eating dry cereal. THAT Christopher.
Artist Isaac Goodhart draws us into the world of Chaos, with nicely proportioned figures, dramatic shadows and poignant poses and pouts. The teen years, those confusing times, well shaped by Goodhart, and coloured by Miguel Muerto. Letters by Aditya Bidikar.
As Brombal’s script takes us back to Christopher’s early years, his blue-haired baby days, his genius-filled early years, the pattern becomes clear. Christopher is a misfit, sadly, wise wayyy beyond his peers, yet abandoned and scorned.
The story is nicely told, the artwork dark with promises of humour and lightness. Muerto’s colours are vibrant and saturated, filling the bill for this offbeat ‘coming of age under duress’ story. The forecast is for a fun title to traipse along with, as Christopher gets to the bottom of a local mystery, this supernaturally bright kid who keeps playing with fire, causing chaos.
Dark Horse, The Oddly Pedestrian Life of Christopher Chaos #1, $4.99 for 36 pages of content.