All roads lead to the end as Marvin and his family confront Atum’s artificial forces in a last-ditch effort to save humanity. What will it cost? And who will pay the price for freedom?
Rob Guillory has crafted an interesting story centered on Marvin’s journey to free humanity from its artificial captors, focusing on various themes related to technology and how it can aid or destroy humanity. There is much to enjoy about this issue in regards to Marvin’s battle against the AI, the fallout of that battle, and how it affects the rest of the denizens of the A.I.-controlled city. There are things that Guillory explores in regards to humanity’s addiction to the machines and their Stockholm willingness to remain connected to what harms them, but then there are other aspects that would have been just as worthwhile to explore, such as the source of Marvin’s hammer. Not much is explored on that but it doesn’t take away from the overall story which is well-paced and written for the conclusion of this series. Will there be a follow-up? Who knows?
Sam Lotfi has been delivering solid sequential work throughout this series, and this issue is no exception. Lotfi illustrates various sequences and moments, both large and small scale, detailing the weight of actions and consequences that Marvin faces on his journey to dismantle the artificial overlords that enslave humanity. In addition to Lotfi’s sequential art, Jean Francois Beaulieu’s color’s coat the art providing complimentary depth and tone to the story, with Andrew Thomas’s letting to seal the deal of the overall book. It’s safe to say that it’s a pretty enjoyable conclusion for the most part that will read better in trade, and worth adding to your pull list for new comic book day.