Godzilla: Monsters & Protectors is different than Godzilla: War for Humanity in that while both deliver and promise epic monster battles, Monsters & Protectors leans heavily on the monster aspect rather than addressing real-world issues. The artwork has a more serious tone than Jake Smith’s art in War for Humanity, providing a refreshing change of pace. There was a lot of missing context in this issue regarding the characters and featuring kaiju because this seems to be a continuation of a series. Regardless I was familiar with Godzilla and kaiju, so I did not feel lost. There were a lot of easter eggs and fresh takes on some origins. King Ghidorah’s origins surprised me the most. In the films, Ghidorah was usually the one creature Xillian had a leash on or sometimes worshiped, so seeing him as just another mere kaiju to brainwash took away that unique distinction that made Ghidorah so fierce. It is a fresh take, and I am curious to see where it goes.
Ghidorah’s origins weren’t the only kaiju that was approached differently. Mothra seems to play an important role later on and I’m looking forward to seeing what the Queen of Monsters is going to do. Mothra is one of my personal favorite kaiju and is the reason why butterflies and moths are my only favorite insects.
I wish there was an actual monster battle in this book but the next issue seems to promise that, so hopefully the action picks up then. Something tells me this series is going to be worthwhile to read.