The PaperFilms team of AMANDA CONNER and JIMMY PALMIOTTI have lined up two incredible conventions out on the western half of the United States in back to back, upcoming weekends! The team will be heading to the COLORADO SPRINGS COMIC CON and then the following weekend, we’ll be in the southwest for the amazing TUCSON COMIC CON show.
These are setup to be some great shows, areas we have not been to lately so we’re super excited to see several fans and friends in those areas. More information about each show can be found below.
The team will be bringing prints, comics, artbooks, original artwork and more to each location. At the TUCSON show, we’ll be offering a convention exclusive item that is sure to be a hit. We can’t reveal it yet, however, let’s just say, we are a “PRO” at making things that will be fun and put a smile on everyone’s face.
We also have another item we’re working on with a large publisher that we have been waiting to get in our hands that will also be available only from your friendly Paperfilms team and website. Again, we can’t talk about it yet, however our upcoming newsletter backers will be sure to get all the info on this exclusive “POWER” -ful item for all the “GIRL“s and boys out there! :)

First up for AMANDA CONNER & JIMMY PALMIOTTI is the COLORADO SPRINGS COMIC CON the weekend of August 25 – August 27. We haven’t been in the Denver/Colorado area in several years so we’re super excited to see all our great fans in the area. We hope to see several of you at the show.
Info: https://www.cscomiccon.com/

Following our Colorado adventure, we’re heading to the Southwest and tackle the desert heat for the fun TUCSON COMIC CON show. The show runs from September 1st – September 3rd and the lineup looks amazing. We have several panels and events planned out for the show and lots of fun items planned to share with our fans. As mentioned above, we will be debuting and offering an TUCSON COMIC CON exclusive item at the show for purchase for those guests in attendance.
Don’t worry fellow newsletter backers, anything we do not sell (and we’re holding a small handful back) of these limited items (only 300), we’ll be offering on our website soon! So if you’re in the area and planning on attending, please, swing by our tables at the show and have a visit with us! We’d love to see you!
INFO: https://tucsoncomic-con.com/

While the team prepares for the two upcoming conventions, we have entrusted our duly appointed and faithful WHATNOT skilled technician and friend, DREW FERGUSON, with hosting a great WHATNOT auction for us. Amanda and Jimmy will not be able to attend this live show, however, they have provided Drew with a box of amazing, direct from Paperfilms items for you to purchase!
Hey, maybe you’ll get a good deal. Maybe you’ll see an item which you haven’t seen us list on the website before (see those poker chips in the picture above…hint, hint). This is a great chance to snag some cool items, signed books and hey, we even have given Drew a stack of freebie items to raffle off during the show.
Head on on over to the show link below to be notified and follow the show when it goes live! Let’s have some fun and support Drew on this show. We’ll be doing our own hosted show in the future.
More items available at the store so head on over and snag some of the great products by the team. We’re always adding more options!
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