From Critical Role veterans: writer Sam Maggs, artist Aviv Or, and colorist Cris Peter

The world of Critical Role’s Exandria expands with the brand-new series, Critical Role: The Tales of Exandria ll—Artagan. Created in consultation with the cast of Critical Role, this new adventure is written by Sam Maggs (Critical Role: The Mighty Nein Origins—Jester Lavorre, Critical Role: The Mighty Nein Origins—Nott the Brave), illustrated by Aviv Or, colored by Cris Peter (Critical Role: The Tales of Exandria—The Bright Queen) and lettered by Ariana Maher (Critical Role: Vox Machina Origins). The first issue will also feature a cover by Toby Sharp.

The powerful and mischievous Archfey Artagan, also known as the Traveler, finally gets his day in court–which is the LAST thing he wanted. But since he’s here, he’s happy to tell the Seelie and Unseelie Courts how he’s graced the various material and other realms with his knowledge and mentorship. But there are witnesses who may have a different take, and the consequences could be dire.

Critical Role: Tales of Exandria ll—Artagan #1 (of 4), rolls into comic shops on January 3, 2024. It is now available to pre-order for $3.99 at your local comic shop.

Praise for Critical Role: Tales of Exandria l—The Bright Queen:

“Bringing in more from the Bright Queen and the story of the Luxon is so engrossing, and with a series this lovely, there will hopefully be much more from the Dynasty and Exandria in the following entries.”—Fanbase Press

“If you are a fan of Critical Role, you owe it to yourself to get this book.”–The Geekly Grind