The PaperFilms team of AMANDA CONNER and JIMMY PALMIOTTI have partnered with DC Comics to bring back one of the most sought after runs in recent years, the team’s year long contribution to the fan favorite heroine, POWER GIRL! That’s right, many years ago, the team embarked on a year long adventure with POWER GIRL. With this book and issues being coveted by fans, we reached out to DC Comics to offer an exclusive, Paperfilms only reprint of POWER GIRL #1 with an all new cover!
And not just any old cover. This brand new, wrap around cover was specifically created and designed by our own AMANDA CONNER and JIMMY PALMIOTTI to be an iconic image and also be printed with sketch cover quality for all your customized sketching needs. That’s right, these covers come in card stock cover, perfect for drawing or sketching by your favorite artists to sketch on. Instead of full blank covers, AMANDA has designed the sketch area to be a part of the cover itself.
Not only that, this cover had a total print run of only 4500 copies, of which, they were broken out into 3 variations:
Standard color wrap around cover with logo = 2500 total printed
Line art wrap around cover with logo (black and white) = 1250 total printed
Virgin color wrap around cover without logo = 750 total printed
We’ll be making all of these available as individual items or as part of a discounted set (while quantities last).
Additionally, we have some limited sketch covers already pre-drawn from AMANDA CONNER with color remarques to celebrate the launch! From Harley Quinn to Catwoman to Zantanna and more, these are sure to sell quickly. We’ll do our best to keep adding more items as Amanda is able to sit down and create some special, unique creations for her fans!
Follow the link below to and these items will all be launched on a first come, first serve basis on Thursday September 14, 2023 at 1pm EDT so be prepared for when these great products launch! Using the button/link below will take you directly to the page these items will be posted to when the launch goes live next week. Meanwhile, you can enjoy all of the other items available right now. Below the link is just a sampling of the items you might be interested in picking up! All signed items will still come with the fabulous PaperFilms COA!


So head on over to the website and snag some great copies of this exclusive printing and support the team. This is sure to be a massive hit and you’re not able to get this book anywhere else other than directly from the Paperfilms team! We hope you just as excited as we are about finally getting this book back into the hands of our fans!

While at the Tucson Comic Con (see below for recap), we created an exclusive wrap around cover for a reprint of our hit title, THE PRO. With this lovely wrap around cover by AMANDA CONNER, she pulled out no stops to craft another humorous cover.
We did a limited print run on this cover (just 300 copies) and the covers we didn’t sell at the show, we were super excited to bring back to the Paperfilms office and open them up directly to our fans who didn’t attend the show! So jump on this chance to grab a signed copy of this great and always enjoyable book!
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Amanda Conner’s Dynamite Artwork Celebrated With Limited Sketchbook on Indiegogo!
Vampirella and Red Sonja Across Over 25 Years With Process & Extras

The legendary Amanda Conner is celebrated in a brand-new limited-edition sketchbook comic featuring her work for Dynamite and across superstar characters like Vampirella and Red Sonja. This campaign can be found on Indiegogo using the button below. There are some great tiers, books and covers available with this campaign so jump on over. Amanda is super excited that Dynamite has been able to collect her work for them in one nice package!
Amanda Conner Dynamite Sketchbook
Whew, are we tired after wrapping up two amazing comic conventions in back-to-back weekends! We normally don’t do a double dip like this, however being on the western part of the United States, we couldn’t pass up the chance to meet with all our great friends in the Colorado and Arizona locations. We met a ton of great fans, saw some amazing scenery and caught up with several creators we haven’t seen in ages. Was a wonderful time. Below are a couple of quick pictures from the event, we hope you enjoy seeing some of them!