Multiple issues of James Tynion IV & Fernando Blanco’s bestselling W0RLDTR33 have been rushed back to print—and the most recent release, W0RLDTR33 #5, will now join this never ending conga line of reprints. New readers are advised to jump in and shuffle-step to the drumbeat of escalating demand for this addictive, foot-stomping bestseller.

“It’s getting hard to come up with new ways to thank the incredible readers and retailers supporting this book, but I continue to be blown away,” said Tynion IV. “I can’t wait for you all to see what we have up our sleeves next.”

In W0RLDTR33 #5, with PH34R ascendent, Gabriel is forced to pull a trigger that will change the shape of the entire world. No sacrifice is too great to stop the spread of the Undernet…The first arc of the acclaimed new horror hit from multiple Eisner Award-winning writer James Tynion IV (The Department of Truth) and Fernando Blanco (Detective Comics) ends in a way NO ONE will see coming!

Fans hungry for even more Tynion IV-excellence will also have the upcoming nine issue miniseries—The Deviant with artist Joshua Hixson—to look forward to and which is slated to hit shelves on Wednesday, November 15. Image’s sales projections indicate it will launch with top performing numbers and instant reader applause and advises fans put in their pull-box requests with comic shop retailers post haste.

Available now at local comic book shops:

  • W0RLDTR33 #1 fifth printing – Lunar 0823IM824
  • W0RLDTR33 #2 fourth printing – Lunar 0823IM825
  • W0RLDTR33 #3 third printing – Lunar 0823IM826
  • W0RLDTR33 #4 second printing – Lunar 0823IM827

Available on Wednesday, October 25 at local comic book shops:

  • W0RLDTR33 #5 second printing – Lunar Code 0923IM858

And later—available on Wednesday, November 15at local comic book shops:

  • The Deviant #1 Cover A by Joshua Hixson – Lunar Code 0923IM309
  • The Deviant #1 Cover B by Joshua Hixson – Lunar Code 0923IM310
  • The Deviant #1 Cover C 1:10 copy incentive by Martin Simmonds – Lunar Code 0923IM311
  • The Deviant #1 Cover D 1:25 copy incentive by Andrea Sorrentino – Lunar Code 0923IM312
  • The Deviant #1 Cover E 1:50 copy incentive by Sean Phillips – Lunar Code 0923IM313
  • The Deviant #1 Cover F 1:75 copy incentive by Christian Ward – Lunar Code 0923IM314
  • The Deviant #1 Cover G 1:100 copy incentive by Lee Bermejo – Lunar Code 0923IM315

W0RLDTR33 is also available across many digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and Google Play.

Select praise for W0RLDTR33:

“Deeply unsettling and disturbingly poignant, Tynion and Blanco set off with a smart and tense first chapter for their new original thriller series.” —Monkeys Fighting Robots

“A narrative that seems terrifying for all parties involved.” —

“Tynion is one of the best in the medium right now. So if he’s writing horror, I guess I’m reading horror.” —AIPT

“Another mystery from Tynion that’ll leave readers guessing what happens next.” —Graphic Policy

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