Learn a little bit about one of Will Eisner’s greatest creations, the crime fighter, the Spirit!

Below is a list of comics and books (published in English) that feature Will Eisner’s The Spirit.

1940-1952 (syndicated newspaper insert)

The Daily Spirit
(syndicated newspaper strip, October 13, 1941 – March 11, 1944)

Police Comics #11-56 (Quality, 10/42-05/50)

The Spirit #1-22 (Quality/Vital, 1944-08/50)

Spiritman (2 issues, bootleg, 1944)

3 Comics Magazine (1 issue, bootleg, 1944)

Modern Comics #102 (Quality, 10/44, issue features Spirit story)

The Spirit #1-5 (Fiction House, 1952-54)

Spirit (IW/Super #11, 12, bootleg, 1963-64, issues feature Spirit story)

Plastic Man (IW/Super #18, bootleg, 1964, issue features Spirit story)

The Spirit #1-2 (Harvey, 10/66-03/67)

The Spirit Bag #1-4 (Gibson/Eisner, 10/72-07/73)

The Spirit (2 issues, Kitchen Sink Underground, 1973)

Eerie #54, #55 (Warren, 02/72, 03/72, issues feature Spirit story)

The Spirit #1-16 (Warren, 04/74-10/76)

The Spirit Special (Warren, 1975)

The Daily Spirit #1-4 (Real Pree Press, Vol.1/1975, Vol.2/1975, Vol.3/1976, Vol.4/1976, collected reprints of the syndicated daily strip)

The Spirit Dailies #1-4 (Ken Pierce Books, Vol.1/1977, Vol.2/1978, Vol.3/1980, Vol.4/1980, collected reprints of the syndicated daily strip)

The Spirit Magazine #17-41 (Kitchen Sink Press, 11/77-?/83, numbering continued from Warren’s The Spirit)

Comix International #5 (Warren, 1977, issue features Spirit story)

Will Eisner Color Treasury (Kitchen Sink Press, 1981)

The Spirit Color Album Vol. 1 (Kitchen Sink Press, 1981)

The Spirit Color Album Vol. 2 (Kitchen Sink Press, 1983)

The Spirit Color Album Vol. 3 (Kitchen Sink Press, 1983)

Will Eisner Quarterly #1-8 (Kitchen Sink Press, 1983-85) Spirit stories appeared in issues 1-6

The Outer Space Spirit: 1952 (Kitchen Sink Press, 1983)

The Spirit #1-87 (Kitchen Sink Press, 10/83 – 1/92)

Heavy Metal Magazine (11/83, issue features Spirit story)

Will Eisner’s 3-D Classics Featuring The Spirit (Eclipse, 1985)

The Spirit Casebook Vol. 1 (Kitchen Sink Press, 1990)

The Spirit: The Origin Years #1-10 (Kitchen Sink Press, 05/92-12/93)

The Spirit: The New Adventures #1-8 (Kitchen Sink Press, 1997-98)

The Spirit Casebook Vol. 2: All About P’Gell (Kitchen Sink Press, 1998)

The Spirit Jam (Kitchen Sink Press, 1998)

DC Comics Millennium Edition: The Spirit (DC Comics, 06/00)

Will Eisner’s The Spirit Archives Volumes 1-26
(DC Comics, 2000 – 2009) (Volume 27, Dark Horse Comics, 2009)

Batman/The Spirit (One shot, DC Comics, 2005) Jeph Loeb/Darwyn Cooke.

The Best of the Spirit (Trade collection, DC Comics, 2005)

Will Eisner’s The Spirit #1-32 (DC Comics, 2006 – 2009) Darwyn Cooke, writer/artist issues 1-12.

The Spirit: Femmes Fatale (Trade collection, DC Comics, 2008)

First Wave (Limited series, DC Comics, 2010 – 2011) Brian Azzarello, writer.

The Rocketeer/The Spirit: Pulp Friction (Mini-Series, IDW Publishing, 2013 – 2013)

The Spirit (DC Comics, 2010 – 2011)

Will Eisner’s The Spirit: A Celebration of 75 Years (Trade Collection, DC Comics, 2015)

Will Eisner’s The Spirit (Limite series, Dynamite Entertainment, 2015-2016)

Green Hornet ’66 Meets the Spirit (Limited series, Dynamite Entertainment, 2017-2017)

Will Eisner’s the Spirit: The Corpse Makers (Limited series, Dynamite Entertainment, 2017-2018)

The Spirit: An 80th Anniversary Celebration (Clover Press, 2020)

By Brian Isaacs - Executive Editor / Publisher

An avid comic collector/reader for over 50 years and self-proclaimed professor of comicology, Brian originally started up the site Pendragon's Post to share his voice. Well, that voice has been shared and evolved into The Fanboy Factor. Brian is an advocate for remembering comic roots, and that we don't forget what was created in the past, and encourage everyone to read it as well. When not swimming in geek culture, he can be seen corrupting..introducing his young son to comics, much to his wife's chagrin.

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