To start the celebration of Will Eisner Week, learn about Will Eisner. One of the most influential comic book creators and father of the Graphic Novel.
A Contract with God
A Family Matter
A Life Force
The Building
City People Notebook
The Contract with God Trilogy: Life on Dropsie Avenue
The Dreamer
Dropsie Avenue
Invisible People
Life, in Pictures: Autobiographical Stories
Life on Another Planet
Minor Miracles
The Name of the Game
New York: The Big City
The Plot: The Secret Story of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
To the Heart of the Storm
Will Eisner Reader
Will Eisner’s New York: Life in the Big City
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Fagin The Jew
Hawks of the Seas
Last Day in Vietnam
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The Last Knight
Moby Dick
The Princess and the Frog
Sundiata: A Legend of Africa
Comics and Sequential Art
Graphic Storytelling and Visual Narrative
Expressive Anatomy for Comics and Narrative
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Will Eisner’s Shoptalk Eisner/Miller
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The Will Eisner Companion
Will Eisner Sketchbook
Will Eisner: A Dreamer’s Life in Comics by Michael Schumacher
Will Eisner: A Spirited Life by Bob Andelman
The Library of Graphic Novelists: Will Eisner by Robert Greenberger
Will Eisner and PS Magazine by Paul E. Fitzgerald
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Will Eisner: Portrait of a Sequential Artist (DVD)
Will Eisner. Profession: Cartoonist (DVD)