On Wednesday September 25, the outrageously sharp superhero spoof from writers Mark Russell and Bryce Ingman and artist Peter Krause will publish the series finale issue of the crime-fighting, acid-throwing, chandelier-shaking MY BAD: ESCAPE FROM PECULIAR ISLAND #5. Published by AHOY Comics, the independent publisher known for its clever and funny titles like SECOND COMING, THE WRONG EARTH, and JUSTICE WARRIORS, the latest installment of the hilarious series is set in a charmingly absurd universe where the heroes are as incompetent and self-involved as the villains. 


(W) Mark Russell, Bryce Ingman 

(A) Peter Krause

Cover: Peter Krause

Get in on the ground floor of The Important New Superhero Universe, just in time for the SERIES FINALE! The former crime-fighting Chandelier hits yet a newer, even lower bottom—this one televised! A shrunken Emperor King and Acid Chimp lounge on doll furniture! Rush Hour dedicates a new fried chicken restaurant! Stories will end! Worlds will collide! Beaver-faced penguins will witness, as ever! POW!

September 25, 2024
