Benjamin Percy and Geoff Shaw’s RED HULK, a tie-in series to ONE WORLD UNDER DOOM, launches in February.

In 2025, ONE WORLD UNDER DOOM overtakes the Marvel Universe! In addition to a core title spotlighting the iconic supervillain’s rise to glory, Doom’s reign will be felt all across Marvel Comics, particularly in tie-in issues and series. Today, fans can learn about one of the first ONE WORLD UNDER DOOM tie-in launches, an all-new RED HULK ongoing comic series!

Arriving in February, RED HULK stars Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross as he once again becomes that which he always hated most—the RED HULK! The series will be written by Benjamin Percy and drawn by Geoff Shaw, following their explosive work together on last year’s “Sabretooth War” storyline in Wolverine. The new saga comes just in time for the Red Hulk’s highly anticipated MCU debut in Marvel Studios’ Captain America: Brave New World, in theaters February 14.

RED HULK kicks off when Doctor Doom imprisons Ross in Latveria in order to exploit his military expertise. Ross’ only hope of escape is unleashing Red Hulk’s strength like never before and leading an assault on Doom’s Kingdom from the inside! For a taste of what’s in store, check out a special prelude story by Percy and Shaw later this month in Incredible Hulk #19, the milestone 800th issue of Hulk.


Thunderbolt Ross – in a cell deep below the ground – is a prisoner of Doctor Doom and he is not alone. Brilliant military, criminal and political minds have been gathered against their will in a prison complex that serves as a “think tank” to help carry out Doom’s plan for global domination. But the Red Hulk has other plans! Guest starring Machine Man, Deathlok and more! 

“When I learned about the One World Under Doom event, my mind immediately went to Thunderbolt Ross,” Percy explained. “A global takeover would not be tolerated by a man who bleeds red, white, and blue (but especially RED). And his experience — as a soldier in the field, as a military strategist in the war room, as a walking weapon of mass destruction — would make him someone Doom would target well before he made his move.

“So I proposed a story in which Ross would be kidnapped by Doom and forced into a ‘Think Tank’ prison in which he would test out various war-time scenarios. That’s where we begin — in a book that does not give you a second to breathe. It moves and moves and moves with constant action and tension. Geoff Shaw is a brilliant and brutal artist who I worked with on the Wolverine/Ghost Rider crossover: Weapons of Vengeance. We planned this not just as an action showpiece, but as a war book. Get ready for a Hulk-sized assault on the senses.”

“Hulk has always been my favorite Marvel character, so to play in this gamma irradiated sand box has been a dream come true,” Shaw added. “Add Doctor Doom to the mix, arguably the Villain-of-all-villains, and artistically it’s an embarrassment of riches. We’re going to rock your red socks off!”

“In INCREDIBLE HULK #19, we’ll discover Ross has been operating dangerous covert missions across the globe in the name of national security,” says series editor Mark Paniccia. “From this point on, Ben and Geoff bring intrigue and mystery paired with pulse-pounding action and shocking moments never letting their foot off the gas!” 

In addition to Shaw’s main cover, check out a rampage of variant covers from superstar artists including a special foil variant cover by Adam Kubert, a cover by Todd Nauck for his recently announced Iconic Variant Cover series, and a cover by John Romita Jr. Preorder RED HULK #1 at your local comic shop today and stay tuned for more ONE WORLD UNDER DOOM announcements later this week. For more information, visit


Art and Cover by GEOFF SHAW

Foil Variant Cover by ADAM KUBERT

Iconic Variant Cover by TODD NAUCK

Variant Cover by JOHN ROMITA JR.

On Sale 2/26