In July of 1993, Stuart Deitcher had an opportunity to visit Jack Kirby’s home in Thousand Oaks, California. He documented this trip on video and has graciously allowed us to archive and publish its contents. “I purchased a small Hi8 video camera specifically for this trip,” Deitcher tells us. “I was brand new to using a video camera, so please remember that I shot this for my personal memories. It was never intended for other eyes to view.” Mr. Deitcher’s written recollections of his visit with Jack and the Kirby family can be found on our Kirby Effect blog here: “It was one of the best days of my life.” While the quality of the video is low, it’s a historically significant look inside the Kirby home.
We’re excited to offer a live premiere of the video in its unedited form on our YouTube channel on Tuesday, February 18th at 7pm, with a live chat featuring Kirby Museum board members and some special guests.
About Jack Kirby Museum & Research Center
The Jack Kirby Museum & Research Center is organized exclusively for educational purposes; more specifically, to promote and encourage the study, understanding, preservation, and appreciation of the work of Jack Kirby. They are committed to illustrating the scope of Kirby’s multi-faceted career, communicating the stories, inspirations, and influences of Jack Kirby, celebrating the life of Jack Kirby and his creations, and building an understanding of comic books and comic book creators. To this end, the Museum sponsors and otherwise supports study, teaching, conferences, discussion groups, exhibitions, displays, publications, and cinematic, theatrical, and multimedia productions. For more info, visit and look for @JackKirbyMuseum on YouTube, Instagram, and other social platforms.