Writers Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray bring us three fascinating tales in “Cell Block Earth and Other Stories”, a collection from their Dark Horse Presents issues. Here’s a quick summary:

Cell Block Earth, with art by Juan Santacruz; a continuing post-apocalyptic story (not concluded in this trade) that describes an earth where humans are hunted and enslaved by alien bad guys. And man, are they bad! Fortunately, help for the suffering humans is on the way; just not in the way they expect! Nicely illustrated and colored! Presumably continued in issues of Dark Horse Presents..

The Deep Sea, art by Tony Akins; again, not concluded in this trade, but essentially; a deep sea diving expedition goes wrong, and the crew of a submersible are all missing, presumed dead. But years later, a salvage expedition finds them… still alive and still young??

Beautifully illustrated and colored, and also presumably continued in the future pages of Dark Horse Presents…

Wrestling With Demons, art by Andy Kuhn; Hey, this story DOES conclude in this trade, so yayy, double yayy!
A man makes a deal with the devil. He completes an impossible mission, and ‘wins’ the challenge, but the devil reneges on the deal. What to do?

Again, strong art and story, with loads of expressive gestures and figures. Very cool!

Dark Horse Cell Block Earth and Other Stories, price not shown, “96 pages of story”, no rating shown

By Alan Spinney

After a career of graphic design, art direction and copywriting, I still have a passion for words and pictures. I love it when a comic book comes together; the story is tight, and the drawings lead me forward. Art with words... the toughest storytelling technique to get right. Was this comic book worth your money? Let's see!!

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