Harley can’t even catch a break on her vacation, shes kidnapped while trying to catch some rays.

Harley is trying to enjoy a bit of r&r when it’s rudely interrupted by the Female Furries who show up and have an ultimatum. They didn’t count on Harley though. Apokolips looks like Harley will fit in just as if she were born there but it does make it harder to figure out who wanted her dead in the first place.

Granny Goodness is all nicely nice to Harley to try and convince her to join her but the mask slips and we see that not is all as it appears and that Harley is setting her self up for a major fall from grace. Let’s see how her first task goes as it looks like a challenge even for her!

I absolutely loved the nod to Bill and Ted as Harley clashes with loads of incarnations of herself in a phone booth before waking up in Apokolips, it really suited the tone and nature of the issue.