Heatwave has been affected by the Sage Force, obtaining a level of power that he has never known.

Deeming himself a fire god, the now fully enhanced Heatwave is able to create more destruction than he could ever imagine….that is, If he is actually conscious enough to be aware of it! As chaos reigns throughout the halls of Iron Heights prison, Warden Wolfe rallies his armed guards to take down the newly powered Heatwave. Meanwhile, the Flash and Detective Burns investigate the wreckage that lay in the wake of Heatwaves attack, only to face off against…Heatwave!!!!?

Is the Heatwave in the coma and the enhanced Heatwave the same guy that blew up the hall of Iron Heights? If so, then who is really in control of the flames that ensnares the scarlet speedster and his allies? Is Heatwave in control of himself? Where is The Flash and Detective Burns? What does Burns have in connection to Heatwave? Iris West calls upon the help of Commander Cold, but what can he do about it!? Will, they have the means to prevent any calamities to Central City or will they run out of time? All the answers you’re looking for await in part 2 of the Faster Than Thought arc!

It’s amazing to that Joshua Williamson is able to keep readers up to speed (ya see what I did there? No? Ah who am I kidding) incase they readers didn’t read the prior issue while consistently pacing the story at an enjoyable rate. Joshua Williamson has a knack for keeping everything in motion in regards to pacing and story, so there is never a dull moment that feels like a drag to trudge through. Basically, Williamson is able to provide a lot of story within a 21-page comic with enough elements to make the experience enjoyable throughout, without robbing readers with filler. Not only does he put a ton of stuff within this issue, he’s able to make all the right elements in this issue execute what is needed in both plot and subplot without feeling cramped, nor empty.

So far Williamson has proven within the last two years since the start of DC Rebirth, that he is a dynamic writer that cares for the characters that he writes. Williamson cares for the themes that he presents and understands the importance of preserving the best parts of the characters that readers have always cared for. I’m sure Williamson will also address Barry’s reaction to the events that occurred within the pages of Heroes in Crisis after this arc is completed, but for now, Williamson is going at his pace as he should. There are themes in this current issue that I enjoyed Williamson dabbling into in regards to parallels between The Flash, Detective Burns and Heatwave and how they all connect to each other in a way that makes the story engaging and in other areas meaningful. There are some interesting ideas that Williamson continues to explore in regards to how the Sage Force works in contrast to the Speed Force, which gave off some Inception vibes that made it enjoyable to read and dig through.

Scott Kolins’ artwork is no stranger to this character nor series, so It’s no surprise that Kolins is able to provide awesome panel work and pages that spring with energy. Whether It’s the Flash zooming from one panel to another, or characters just talking, Kolins graphic narrative skills make this issue an enjoyable ride to read through. Accompanied with Guerrero’s coloring, the issue looks as every bit of fun as the story that it’s displaying. Steve Wands lettering is perfectly balanced out in this issue, placed in the right places making the dialogue it within the spaces of the appropriate panels.

This is a very fun and exciting issue that Williamson, Kolins, and company have slapped together, and it continues to propel the story forward without dismissing any details nor falling flat on its face. Williamson continues to dive deeper into the elements of the Sage Force while challenging Barry Allen’s abilities as both speedster and forensics detective, pushing him into places that will keep readers on board for what is next. I definitely recommend reading this issue and picking it up when it enters comic shops and online on new comic book day.

By Anthony Andujar Jr.

Anthony Andujar Jr. is an NYC cartoonist and lover of comics and music. So much so that it led him to writing comic book reviews in between it all.