I really love this comic, poor Gamma Rae just can’t do right for doing wrong.

Gamma Rae has all the qualities of a hero, she’s brave, she’s strong and she knows right from wrong, she just can’t seem to put it all together properly. Gamma doesn’t want to end up in the family business of villainy and what better way to rebel than be a hero. I love how her sister is actually trying to support her idea of being a hero while her brothers just wind her up (like brothers do) while openly flaunting their villainous plans in front of her.

It takes a special kind of hero that can go up against their family and Gamma does without a second thought which really shows how committed she is, if only she wasn’t so inept. When she fights Sludge and Necrosis it all becomes too real and she ends up back at her family base in tears but she is going to have to get used to it quickly as with her family behind her she may just become a hero after all

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