First off it needs to be said how much I love how they fit the credits in its old school worked into the scene and its amazing, issue 1 was a work of genius!

This comic is awesome, it’s creepy, in places it’s gory, it’s creepy, it has some proper jump scares and oh yeah did I mention how creepy it is? The part with the old lady I honestly jumped back a little, it’s such a graphic and intense moment done brilliantly. The creepiness just oozes from everywhere from the mum in the cupboard with the classic creaky door to the pulse checking dad I mean wheres THAT leading?

The artwork is beautiful on every page down to the smallest detail, Abrahams dads fingernails as he digs for the lock pick and the sweat dripping from his forehead you just get totally drawn in, the last six pages have very little dialogue but the intensity of the story is palpable and Abrahams dad is a badass mental nutcase!!

This story does not seem to be slowing down any and could go in any direction at all there is a big secret in the background just screaming to come out and I for one cant wait to see what it is!

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