Back in the day, back in Attica, back in 1971. A prison in New York state, overcrowded, badly managed, a powder keg ready to violently explode.

A new graphic novel, Big Black: Stand At Attica. Big, burly, full of the complete story of the Attica prison riots. It’s written by Frank ‘Big Black’ Smith, and Jared Reinmuth. Illustrated by Améziane.

It’s a heavy story, of course. Prisoners at Attica were mistreated, subject to cruel and unusual punishment: personal hygiene items withheld. Beatings, threats, racism. Heavy sentences for minor infractions. Political games being played all the way up to the level of governor.

It’s all here, rendered in stark black and earth tones. The visuals give the proper respect, a sober gravity to the proceedings. It’s all based on eye witness accounts of the misunderstandings that led to a lockdown; the overreactions of the authorities, the general contempt in tone of the politicians; the media coverage; the massacre of inmates; the torture of Big Black, the public apathy, the aftermath and the fallout.

It’s hard-hitting and historical. Well researched and captivating.

BOOM Studios, Archaia imprint, Big Black: Stand At Attica, $19.99 for 180 pages of content. Mature readers

By Alan Spinney

After a career of graphic design, art direction and copywriting, I still have a passion for words and pictures. I love it when a comic book comes together; the story is tight, and the drawings lead me forward. Art with words... the toughest storytelling technique to get right. Was this comic book worth your money? Let's see!!