In the latest issue of this series, Arbona provides insight on Doctor Tomorrow’s origins, detailing his backstory as to how he came to be, and what led him to the present universe that his younger counterpart resides in.

In regards to the story, Abrona focuses more on the character interactions between Doctor Tomorrow and the Valiant universe that he has found himself in. Despite the antagonist (Hardian) pursuing his ambitious pursuit to harness the Dark Fluid known as Negative Mass, it’s thankfully explained as to how it was created without endless exposition, allowing the reader to run with the story without being bored and over it. There are some nice segments where Doctor Tomorrow trains his younger self, showing Bart how to utilize the suit’s functions, and the pressure that Bart is under having everything crashing down on his life despite being a new superhero. The story is wonderfully paced, and despite having some action within this issue, it’s the plot and the chemistry between characters that really takes the cake for this book.

As for the art department, Jim Towe and Diego Rodriguez do a fantastic job illustrating and coloring this book. While the art team does a great job handling fight scenes, it’s their ability to render the quiet moments with characters that really makes the book shine. Cowles does an excellent job handling the lettering, accompanying the art that makes everything in the book fall into place. It’s the second issue of this series yet it continues to be a fun superhero comic that is enjoyable from beginning to end. This is a great new Valiant title that readers of the publication should check out, and I definitely recommend picking this issue up for new comic book day.

By Anthony Andujar Jr.

Anthony Andujar Jr. is an NYC cartoonist and lover of comics and music. So much so that it led him to writing comic book reviews in between it all.