White Ash #2, from Scout Comics, digs deeper into the undercurrent in a mining town where the natural is rather ‘supernatural’.

In the first issue, Aleck was preparing to leave the town of White Ash, departing for college. But after a delay, he’s still around. There has been an underground explosion at the mine, with injuries!
This gives Aleck time to look into the tragedy, and perhaps get to know Lillian, the flirty daughter of the mine owner. She’s from the other side of the tracks, attractive and distracting….

Writer Charlie Stickney deepens the drama, introducing new support characters that start leading the reader in a new direction. It ain’t all mining and misery; there are alternate sources of dramatic energy at play here. Artist Conor Hughes (also on lettering) cuts the page into variable size panels, giving a natural ebb and flow. His faces are amazing. The action choreography is thrilling. Great contrasts in character appearance help us navigate our visit through White Ash’s trailers and trails. Colourist Fin Cramb keeps a lush palette of full colour, staying with warms and cools even as drama swells or subsides.

This miniseries, originally self-published by the creators, is being released monthly from Scout Comics with new covers and additional interior content. There are three issues of White Ash available in comic shops, and there is a Kickstarter running now. Recommended!

Scout Comics, White Ash #2, $3.99 for 27 pages of content. Assume Teen +

By Alan Spinney

After a career of graphic design, art direction and copywriting, I still have a passion for words and pictures. I love it when a comic book comes together; the story is tight, and the drawings lead me forward. Art with words... the toughest storytelling technique to get right. Was this comic book worth your money? Let's see!!

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