Abraham sums it up far better than I could “The F**k”

First off I need to say something about the title page, I absolutely love these they are easily one of the best pages in each issue. Not content with just listing each person who contributed their names are instead incorporated into the story and it is a work of genius from them making the pathways in the first issue to being howling winds in this issue its fantastic.

The story just gets more and more incredible but this issue really hits it stride and ramps it up as the residents of Braeriach begin to shed their forms and unleash the monster within in detailed DETAILED horror. With Noah making a dramatic entrance and Abraham and Nancy deciding to investigate alone you would be forgiven for thinking that this story was going to develop slowly over the next few issues, oh how wrong you would be. Mayhem erupts and now it is up to Abraham to save the day my only question now is if Noah will help or hinder and if he is prepared for what he is entering into.

As brilliant as the story is the artwork on Mountainhead is another thing entirely the monsters are incredible and their transformations from human form are so repulsively fantastic it is a pleasure to see. Two stand out monsters for me would be Ryans whole page where he takes a longer look at things, the way the page is broken up into segments looks so cool and the bathrobe reveal just for ridiculousness. I keep finding my self looking back to fully absorb the details.

A brilliant comic that just keeps outdoing itself with every issue

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