There is no Hell like family

Meet Daimon Helstrom. A professor of ethics who moonlights as an exorcist. Daimon is a cynic and with good reason. His father was a serial killer who was..more than human. His mother is in an asylum, possessed by a demon. He must reach out to his estranged sister, Ana, to help him. But there is more going on than what’s on the surface, just like the mystery the surrounds the Helstrom family,

Helstrom is loosely based on the Marvel Comics’ characters Daimon Hellstrom, AKA the Son of Satan, and his sister Satana. These characters have been around since the 70s and both have gone through many changes throughout the years. This is an adaptation of those characters and one that’s done very well. The characters are more grounded in the “real world”, and while there are demons that due exist in this world, it still more realistic than the comics. 

Hulu sent us the first five episodes, and I’m hooked. There is a lot of mystery going on and right now, feel like I’m on a cliffhanger.  

Producer Paul Zbyszewski did an incredible job crafting this world. While it is a Marvel production, it does not take place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and quite honestly, that is fine. It works for this show not to be held down by some like Doctor Strange. But Zbyszewski himself is a comic fan and there are plenty of Easter Eggs that relate to the comics in the show. 

It’s a solid cast as well. Tom Austen play Daimon with such intensity, you can really feel the cynicism in him. Sydney Lemmon plays Ana Helstrom, who works in an auction house, but is also a vigilante against predators. The way Lemmon portrays Ana as someone who has something to hide.  At this point, I still feel we don’t have all the details on Ana. Ariana Guerra plays Sister Gabriella Rossetti, a neophyte agent of the Vatican. Rossetti thinks she knows how this secret world works, but just has no idea how far the rabbit hole it goes. June Carryl plays Doctor Louise Hastings, the head of the asylum where the Helstrom’s mother is. Hasting is a force of nature herself in the world of demons and taking nothing from them. Robert Wisdom plays Caretaker. He is an enigma that works for a secret organization dedicated to keeping the world safe from supernatural threats. This cast really works well together and the scripts are strong to make the dialogue sound natural.

The overall tone of the show is just really made solid with the look of the show. I’m talking about the cinematography. Cinematographer Bernard Couture does an incredible job help set the overall tone with this show. Just overall darkness that serves as a great look here!

If you are a Marvel fan or just a fan of supernatural thrillers, then Helstrom is the show for you. I highly recommend this show and just can’t wait to see the rest of the episodes!

Helstrom premiers exclusive on Hulu Friday, October 16th.

By Brian Isaacs - Executive Editor / Publisher

An avid comic collector/reader for over 50 years and self-proclaimed professor of comicology, Brian originally started up the site Pendragon's Post to share his voice. Well, that voice has been shared and evolved into The Fanboy Factor. Brian is an advocate for remembering comic roots, and that we don't forget what was created in the past, and encourage everyone to read it as well. When not swimming in geek culture, he can be seen corrupting..introducing his young son to comics, much to his wife's chagrin.