Over this past glorious weekend, your friendly neighborhood jman (as well as Jethro and Jakob) got our collective hands on some serious weaponry, all thanks to my main man Dan over at Zing Toys.  Good fortune smiled upon us by way of an Air Hunterz Z-Tek crossbow, an Air Storm Z-Tek Bow and a set of Sky Gliderz planes.

As I know you’ll recall from my excursion to Toy Fair 2014, I got to fool around with the Air Hunterz crossbow.  Man!  Did I fall in love with that thing.  Forget sugar plums dancing in my head.  I’ve been dreaming of that crossbow and all the ways I would waste no mercy upon my scion since I handled that magnificent piece of plastic.  Believe you me, I was prepared to make them both pay for all their past transgressions  I defy you to tell me those last two lines weren’t poetry in motion).


One bow at a time (just an FYI…I am a “professional”, here.  Don’t fire these things on/at/near each other, ok?)


Back to the business at hand…the first thing we opened were the Sky Gliderz.  The set comes with two planes (green and red) and one launcher.  The very first shot I we took?  Tree’d it!  Yea.  That’s right.  Got it stuck high up in a tree.  And the next shot?  Oh.  I We roofed that one.

No worries, though.  We got both planes back on the ground.

After that, we got down to the real business at hand.  Jethro cracked open the Air Storm Bow, and I took to freeing the crossbow.  Each weapon comes with three arrows.  Fair warning here…these things cover some serious ground. Do yourself a solid, buy yourself extra arrows.   Cause after you shoot all three of them the 45 ft they easily cover (we had them flying out way further than that) you gotta chase them down.


Or at least have someone chase them down for you.

Even though, I fell in love with the crossbow, the real winner is the Air Storm Z-Tek Bow.  While the crossbow is awesome, it’s a bit difficult for the little kids to operate.  Jakob struggled with locking and loading the arrows in.  If little kids aren’t an issue for you (color me jealous, if you are), the crossbow does have this wicked, cool feature that makes the crossbow a bit longer with the press of a button, thereby shooting the arrows that much further.

But, if you want to get some real distance, the larger size Air Storm Z-Tek Bow is where it’s at.  Man!  Those things really fly. I got Santa got Jakob the smaller Air Storm Z Bow for Christmas, last year.  And I thought that was impressive?!?!?  The larger Z-Tek bow?  Really sends those arrows flying.

So?  Which one do you get?  Depends.  If you wanna really feel like Hawkeye or Green Arrow or Katniss (yo…I’m up with the times), the Z-Tek bow is the one to get.  And spend the extra few bucks to get the larger Z-Tek Bow.  Not the smaller Z Bow.  You can thank me later.

If you fancy yourself more the Daryl Dixon type, then get yourself the crossbow.  Regardless of whichever you choose, do yourself the favor and…


By your friendly neighborhood jman - Feature Editor

catch more of your friendly neighborhood jman's hijinks over at yfnjman.com