Wellwellwell.  Would you look who’s back in the webs!?!?  Surprise!  That was a shocker!  Didn’t see that coming.  At all.

Y’all happy now?!?!?

Just FYI…I’m probably gonna be spoilerific here, so if you haven’t read Superior Spider-man 31, you probably should stop right here.  Cause, I may also spoil that Darth Vader’s Luke Skywalker’s father in this article, too.



Anyway…unlike the rest of you, I’m sorta sad to see Ock go.  The big oaf!  Pretending to be a superhero, and all.  As if!  But…c’mon!  It was fun!  It was a fun ride.  He did his best, the loveable ignoramus!  What do you expect from a former evil super genius riding on a pledge to do good?

Now, all this isn’t to say that I’m not happy to see Pete’s back.  I am.  I am.  But…man!  Only if there was some way for Marvel to keep both Peter and Otto as Spider-Man.  If only they have a multitude of universes to play in.  Pete could be Spider-Man in one universe, and Otto could continue on trying to be a superior Spider-Man.  Damn!  That would be righteous!  It’s just a shame Marvel doesn’t have a multi-verse like that.

Cause, look…like it or not, they only scratched the surface with Otto as Spidey.  There were so many other people he needed to cheese off!  He only started annoying the Avengers!  Tell me the interaction between Otto and Thor wasn’t funny.  Tell me!

But, que sera sera [“What will be, will be”.  You’re welcome!]

To the issue (as it were) at hand…Superior Spider-Man 31 was a fine issue.  A double issue of sorts, Pete was back as Spider-Man, doing what he does best…taking care of the Goblin (nation).  Although, I think the most poignant moment really happened in issue 30.

Yea.  That one.  Still, 31 wasn’t without it’s charms.  This interaction between Pete and Goblin?  Made the entire issue.


You gotta love Pete’s optimism.  His moxy.  The cut of his jib.  I do admit, what I missed most about Spider-Man the last year or so were his quips.  Being quippy just wasn’t Otto style.  But, it still the best part of Spider-Man and a very important part of it.


I’m also not too crazy about the status between Pete and MJ.  I know this has sorta been an ongoing thing, them not being together, but…personally?  I think Pete and MJ are good together.  I think Pete needs MJ.  But, now?  They’re even further apart then they ever were before.

Way to ruin that, Otto!

All in all, issue 31 was a solid issue and a nice send off to Otto and the Superior Spider-Man.  I, for one, will miss you Otto Octavius.  You made me laugh.


Viva Superior Spider-Man!

And don’t forget to check out the new episode of the Almost Internet Famous Internet Show!  It’s a real hoot!


By your friendly neighborhood jman - Feature Editor

catch more of your friendly neighborhood jman's hijinks over at yfnjman.com