Well, the Morrow/Teller family certainly like to stick to what they know and do well!
This issue sees Gemma find an unorthodox way to get exactly what she wants from a rather uncompromising dealer, Clay makes deals and threats out on his own without the club there to watch his back which is especially dangerous with the mysterious figure still in the wind and Jax has a plan but once again gets in way over his head!!
Jax has to find a way back into the club’s good graces and he thinks he knows the perfect way, and to be fair he may be right. The mysterious figure is still haunting the club and when confronted shows just how much trouble he can be!
Plenty of action in this issue with shootouts, fistfights and chase scenes it makes an exciting read throw in Gemma sorting her problems in a way only Gemma knows how then it makes one hell of an issue. The characters make the change from screen to page perfectly and are captured beautifully in how they approach things.
I can’t wait to see how Jax’s discovery plays out in the next issue and how it will affect the clubs plan and of course if it helps Jax regain his patch!