It time for Waller to release her newest weapon, General Zod!

The team have tracked the Annihilation Brigade to a secret Base hidden by a waterfall (bad guy standard) and with Zod now reluctantly on their side, they go in all guns blazing. Tunguskas gets pretty much taking out by Zod but that sends him on a spiral to literally self-destruct and threatens to take te whole facility with him when he does! Harley and Deadshot go to find the databanks but instead find something even worse that Harley’s compassionate side just can’t avoid.

While the team are on mission Waller clears up some loose ends at her side with Harcourt finally revealing herself as a spy but woefully underestimating Wallers ability to plan for EVERY outcome. It also shows Waller is back to her heartless self as she willing lets four lab techs die for her cause.

Waller’s ability to plan ahead may be called into question soon if Zod has his way and as the team have some downtime (it’s nice to see Harley and Flag getting closer) Zod uses his time to ‘clear his head’ which is going to really put a damper on Wallers plans!!

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