John McCrea, world-famous Eisner Award-winning comic artist known for his work on Spiderman, Batman, the Hulk, Superman and Hitman, is back with another Kickstarter.
John McCrea, world-famous Eisner Award-winning comic artist known for his work on Spiderman, Batman, the Hulk, Superman and Hitman, is back with another Kickstarter.
It’s going to be a battle so monumental that it’ll take the entire writing crew of the X-Men to depict it!
You have to hand it to ol Dead Eyes he is nothing if not resourceful!
Dead Eyes is the man!!! A proper Robin Hood if Robin Hood was a stone-cold psychopathic killer
Another fantastic issue in what is quickly becoming one of my favourite comics out right now.
This October, the Merc With a Mouth is crashing headlong into Marvel NOW! and he’s bringing William Shakespeare with him!
The Uncanny Avengers have been betrayed!
A Civil War II Tie-In!
What do you get when you take a Merc With a Mouth, two Heroes for Hire and a Man Without Fear and mash ‘em together? Why, the massively oversized DEADPOOL…