The Silent Knight Returns!
Parker and Ketner team up for an incredible five-issue sequel to Batman – Santa Claus: Silent Knight! DC Comics today announced a new comic book series, Batman – Santa Claus:…
Parker and Ketner team up for an incredible five-issue sequel to Batman – Santa Claus: Silent Knight! DC Comics today announced a new comic book series, Batman – Santa Claus:…
Join Dark Horse at the Hollywood Theatre for an evening with Tyler Crook and Lukas Ketner In celebration of the recent release of The Headless Horseman Halloween Annual 2023 one-shot,…
David Dastmalchian’s “Count Crowley: Mediocre Midnight Monster Hunter” is coming for you Eager fright fans won't have to wait much longer for a new chapter starring their favorite horror host,…
Reluctant Monster Hunter No More!
It’s a return of the new reluctant TV host, in Dark Horse’s COUNT CROWLEY: RELUCTANT MIDNIGHT MONSTER HUNTER #2.
A new title from Dark Horse, Count Crowley Reluctant Midnight Monster Hunter #1 is written by David Dastmalchian with art by Lukas Ketner and colours by Lauren Affe,