BOOM! Studios Announces the First VR TROOPERS Series in 30 Years
The perfect jumping on point for Troopers fans old or new! Spinning out of Power Rangers Prime comes a brand-new story from returning team of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers veterans,…
The perfect jumping on point for Troopers fans old or new! Spinning out of Power Rangers Prime comes a brand-new story from returning team of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers veterans,…
The Final Chapter Arrives September 2024 Praise for Sea Serpent’s Heir Book Two: "This story has a lightning-fast pace and doesn’t leave readers wanting." - Kirkus Reviews "A strong continuation…
The Final Chapter Arrives June 2024 Praise for Sea Serpent’s Heir Book Two: "The Sea Serpent’s Heir graphic novels continue to be a boldly creative delight." - Gatecrashers "Sea Serpent's…
Praise for Sea Serpent’s Heir Book Two: "Scott and Tunica are crafting a really unique tale here, and I can’t praise it enough. " - Gatecrashers "This exciting sequel will…
Praise for Sea Serpent’s Heir Book One: "This comic will charm you, mesmerize you, thrill you, break your heart, and then leave you eager for the next volume." - Gatecrashers…
The High-Seas Adventure Continues This September Today Skybound Comet revealed an enchanting new look at Sea Serpent’s Heir Book Two: Black Wave, the second installment of the fantasy graphic novel…
Praise for Sea Serpent’s Heir Book One: “This comic will charm you, mesmerize you, thrill you, break your heart, and then leave you eager for the next volume.” -Gatecrashers “Self-assured…
Praise for Sea Serpent’s Heir Book One: “Action and intrigue and secrets and battles and magic and more. Adventure rings high on every single page with a delicious richness, which…
Discover What it Takes for The Hidden Planeswalker to Save Her Home in July 2022
“A beautifully crafted world that takes every opportunity to twist your expectations in new directions. Not afraid of showcasing the darker sides of its characters while dazzling the reader with…