Unearth #2 continues to go underground. Because we like monsters and horror. But spelunking can be hard on the head.
Deep in the cave, in search for answers to the flesh-warping infection above ground, a group of scientists are moving ahead. Escorted by military hard-butts, they are at the forefrontal lobe of a crazy experience. Oh, why not split the group up, so each will encounter their own brand of hell!
By times confusing (who is this guy, and is that the same guy as that guy?) and also exasperating (yikes, the radios don’t work underground very well?), this is a horror story with loads of potential but a frustrating read. The script, by Cullen Bunn and Kyle Strahm, the art by Baldemar Rivas, just don’t gel here.
I wondered who the girl is at the beginning of the story, I wondered who the members of the underground teams were, and I wondered why I was wondering so much.
Your underground mileage may differ, but I am heading back up for some air.
Image Unearth #2, $3.99 for 27 pages of content. Rated Mature