Ironically the phrase that comes to mind is Oh My God. This is a brilliant issue.

With the good reverend on a sabbatical, it’s up to Billie to run the parish and she was made for it or was she. I did think that Billie and Maggie were having opposing effects on each other but this is just brilliant I love it. Poor Maggie is really struggling with all the orgies and doing whatever she wants and needs a break while Billie is having a crisis of faith brought on by a bit of light hoovering and both come to a decision that could upset the balance of the parish.

Already Billie’s good deeds seem to be coming undone with the mermen taking advantage of the truce to run amok, at least the reverend will be kept busy again once he returns! But the real star of this issue is Mrs. Clovis she has jumped clear into the foreground here and what a character, she has real secrets to keep and takes no nonsense at all I hope she continues to keep everyone around her in check from now on

I love Billie and Maggie’s friendship and I cant wait to see how it develops after this epic issue!

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