The Autumnal #4, from Vault Comics, brings our reading comfort down a notch and steps up the misty memories of mayhem.
Ahem, this is a horror comic, written by Daniel Kraus, and enveloped in bitter lines and shapes by artist Chris Shehan. Colourist is Jason Wordie. Letters by Jim Campbell.
Anyway, Kat is in the locality known as Comfort Notch, and she is looking for answers about a tragic fire at the Stardust Rink.
This was like ages ago, just sayin’, right? Carol Ravintzky, an old school mate of Kat’s, finally tells the tale of the terrible death of Clementine Biddle.
The story is thoroughly engrossing. We have ‘the feels’ for the characters. The silence of the townsfolk, the sense that there is more to this tragic event than is being discussed. The creeping peeping paranoia that runs deep…
Shehan provides a dark-toned view of the proceedings. Black shadows, creepy surroundings, people dressed in dark tones. All appropriate for the late autumn, the turning of new and old leafs and make beliefs. Worth checking out!
Vault Comics The Autumnal 4, $3.99 for 27 pages of content.