Valiant Comics doesn’t put out the number of books on a monthly basis like the Big 2 but the books they do publish definitely deserve our attention. Case in point, the latest adventures of Aric Dacia better known as X-O Manowar in X-O Manowar 16 written by Robert Venditti (the Surrogates), Lee Garbett (the Outsiders) with inks by Stefano Gaudiano, cover art by Patrick Zircher and published by Valiant Entertainment LLC.
While some of the stories elements of the character, originally created by Jim Shooter and Bob Layton, have been altered, Aric Dacia is still the same shoot (a wrist mounted energy cannon) first ask questions later character. He is a man out of his time and wielding one of the most powerful weapons in the universe which makes for interesting storytelling.

Issue 16 does not disappoint in that respect for fans of the series or for folks who are interested in jumping on board. Robert Venditti creates tension with Aric and Gilad (the Eternal Warrior), gives us an ample amount of violence and display of super powers, and displays the desire, emotion, and might of a man wearing an extremely powerful suit of armor that makes up Aric Dacia.
Lee Garbett’s artwork is top notch. The lines and detail of the X-O armor have been toned down and less complicated than his initial volume and yet remains just as visually appealing. Facial expressions convey the proper emotion and backgrounds are not weighed down by detail but not lacking either.
If you are tiring of the Big 2’s ‘Another Major Event Sure to Rock the Universe to Its Core’ storylines and having to collect what seems like a baker’s dozen worth of different books all with the same title save a word or two, then X-O Manowar 16 is worth grabbing. X-O Manowar is a combination of superhero storytelling and artwork that is a fun energy blasting break from the norm.