I was unprepared.

Dude.  I was woefully unprepared.

the walk up to the Jacob K Javits Convention Center
the walk up to the Jacob K Javits Convention Center

I went to NYCC over the weekend with friend and fellow fanboyfactor correspondent jetts31.  All’s I gotta say is…wow (please.  I’ve got more than just “wow” to say)!  A spectacle such as that, my eyes have never laid upon (awwww…yea!  Poetry in motion.  No wonder I call myself a modern day Mark Twain.)

Now look…I’m no stranger to comic book shows.  I’ve been going to Wizard World Philly every year since it’s inception (yeayeayea.  There was that one year I missed.  But, I’d rather not talk about it.)  I’ve also been to shows around the Philly area for years prior to that.  So, like I said, your friendly neighborhood jman’s no stranger to comic book shows.

the crowd awaits!
the crowd awaits!

Granted, I haven’t been to SDCC or either of the big Chicago shows, but still…10 plus years going to Wizard World Philly?  C’mon!!!!  I’m a professional here.  I’ve been around the block.  I’ve seen a thing or two in my day.

the floor just before opening.  yes...that's Lola
the floor just before opening. yes…that’s Lola

Ha!  Famous last words.  New York Comic Con blew everything I’ve seen, did, touched away.  I had no expectations going into it.  I didn’t quite know what to be expect, to be perfectly honest.  My frame of reference once again being Wizard World Philly…if it was like that, I’d walk away satisfied.

another floor shot
another floor shot

Please.  If the Javits center (where NYCC was held) could laugh in my face, it certainly would have.  The size of the event was…massive, to say the least.  It had to be at least 8 football fields long (I could be exaggerating here, but I don’t really think I am).

and this is just one room!
and this is just one room!

And the humanity…oh, the humanity!  Jetts31 and I got on the floor just as the doors opened.  Which, was misleading.  Because, yea…the place was huge.  But crowded?  Not too bad.


Man…was I ever wrong for thinking that.  Because not long into the show, the place filled up.  Actually “filled up” doesn’t quite do it justice.  Packed like sardines?  That’s closer.


One of the things the Con stresses is the use of deodorant.  Funny, right?  Common sense?  I used to think how could you not wear deodorant to these things?  What kind of savage are you?  Well…believe you me…I understand now.  You can’t just apply that shit once and be done.  You need some reapplications.  Multiple re-applications.  And I’ll leave it at that.

display of Superman costumes
display of Superman costumes

The event was amazing.  And, yes, I am purely speaking out of a first timer’s experience.  Old timers complained.  Maybe rightfully so.  But, there was no way for me to walk around that place other than in a state of wonderment.

Christopher Reeves movie costume
Christopher Reeves movie costume

We didn’t make it into any panels.  We really didn’t get to speak to any of the creators.  Although I did tell Ron Garney (current artist of Thor) that I loved his work.  He was gracious, of course.  I think I followed it up with “I like turtles”.  Total fanboy moment.  Whatever.

Was it scarring?  Am I never going back again?  Hell no!  I’m going back.  With a plan next time.  This thing is definitely not a one day event.  This is a multiday spectacle a kin to a trip to Disney World.  You gotta have a plan when you do to Disney.  And you definitely gotta have a plan when you go to New York Comic Con.  Next year I will be better prepared!  So help me…I WILL CONQUER NYCC OR PERISH TRYING!!!!

I can’t imagine what SDCC is like.


Be the first to check out my new internet show…117.  And let me know what you think!


By your friendly neighborhood jman - Feature Editor

catch more of your friendly neighborhood jman's hijinks over at yfnjman.com