We all know that Wednesday is the best day of the week, amiright?!?!  Well, there’s even a more special Wednesday that comes just once a month.  It’s usually the same Wednesday of every month, too.  But, your friendly neighborhood jman always forgets, so when I walk into my local comic shop, it’s like doves pooped extra special sprinkles on my day.

look at all the happiness they're spreading!
look at all the happiness they’re spreading!

What in the name of all that’s great and holy am I talking about?


previews december 2013

Let’s get to it…shall we?!?!?

pariah 1

Pariah #1 (of 8):  Dark Horse Comics.  With a tagline that screams “Genetic Manipulation Gone Mad!” you’d be mad not to pick up the book.  Genetically modified scienticians + falling satellites = 15 minutes of fun (What?  How long does it take for you to read a comic?!?!?).  Well…hopefully it’ll be 15 minutes of fun.


Forever Evil #6:  DC Comics.  Well…duh.  I’ve been saying just about every month that I’m following this thing to the end.  With a cover like that and rumors of a “new” (spoiler alert?) Nightwing bounding about the internets , you I just gotta see where this thing ends up!


Supergirl #28:  I’ll tell you what, I haven’t been crazy bout the new52 Supergirl at all.  I’ve tried, too.  I gave more than my fair share of dollars to the Supergirl cause.  But, I’m just not a fan.  That being said, this whole Red Lantern thing?  Interesting move, DC Comics.  Very interesting.  Here’s another $2.99 for ya.  Make it a good one!

the wake

Wake #6:  The first 5 issues of this book?  Awesome.  The book’s on some sort of brief interlude/hiatus until when?  That’s right.  February.  That’s when the book picks up again, the story moving from “the present” to a future alluded to in the previous 5 issues.  Writer/creator Scott Snyder promises the real fun begins here…

black canary

DC Comics Bombshells Black Canary statue:   DC Collectibles.  I love this line.  Between Supergirl, Harley and now Black Canary?  This is a great line of statues.  I’m just waiting for DC to get their act together and put some kind of book out about these dames.

lex luthor

DC Comics Super-Villains Armored Suit Lex Luthor Deluxe action figure:  DC Collectibles.  Yup.  More DC crap.  I’m working out a deal with the WB that my paychecks just get direct deposited into their account.  Cut out the middle man.  It’ll be easy on everyone that way.  Hopefully, I’ll be able to get some sort of “allowance” out of the deal.  My kids will need to eat once in awhile.

she hulk 1

She Hulk #1:  Marvel Comics.  Not sure the direction this book is gonna go, but for my money, She Hulk books have always been fun.  Consider this new #1 on my pull list.

harley shirt

Harley Quinn Big Bang T shirt:  Graphitti Designs.  Man!  I am getting a nice collection of Harley shirts together.  Keep them coming, Graphitti Designs.  You keep pumping them out, I’ll keep buying.  As long as WB lets me have a stipend from my paycheck, that is.


DC Comics Batgirl New 52 Artfx+ statue:  Kotobukiya.  I have this weird fascination with Japanese imports.  I don’t own any, per se.  And I don’t really read any anime/manga, but I still find it fascinating.  Not in a bad way, either.  I have a feeling if the right story fell into my lap, I’d be sucked into this world.  Probably a good idea that I haven’t come across said “good” story yet.

teen titans

I gotta split up the WTF Product this time around.  One “good” WTF product and one “bad”.  First up?  The bad.  DC Collectibles New52 Teen Titans action figures.  Let me begin by saying, this is a bit of a misnomer.  Because, there’s nothing really wrong with the figures.  In fact, they’re pretty respectable representations of the characters.  Therein lies the problem, though.  The characters are terrible.  For your friendly neighborhood jman’s liking there is nothing redeemable about these characters.  From their costumes right down to their personalities…terrible.  Everything that’s been wrong with the fore-mentioned Supergirl, is hundred fold here with the Teen Titans.  This book defames the good name of every predecessor team known as the Teen Titans.

Ok.  Maybe that was all a bit harsh, but the book is still terrible.

the revenger

And The Revenger #1:  Image Comics.  I looked all over the internets, but I couldn’t find this one particular image.  In this months’ Previews, there’s a sneak peek of the first few pages of this book.  Where the main character (?) is getting his/her/it’s face RIPPED OFF!?!?!?  And it is detailed.  Graphically detailed.  Like…wow!  That’s flipping gory!  I gotta find out what happens next….


The internets have been all a buzz about the latest episode of your friendly neighborhood jman’s almost internet famous internet show.  And you haven’t seen it, yet?!?!?  What gives?


Images courtesy of:


Doves”  wikicommons.com

Pariah #1:  www.darkhorse.com

Forever Evil #6:  www.dccomics.com

Supergirl #28:  www.dccomics.com

Wake #6:  www.vertigocomics.com

Black Canary:  majorspoilers.com

Lex Luthor:  news.toyark.com

She Hulk #1:  marvel.com

Harley Quinn shirt:  www.graphittidesigns.com

Batgirl statue:  www.kirinhobby.com

Teen titans:  news.toyark.com

Revenger #1:  imagecomics.com

By your friendly neighborhood jman - Feature Editor

catch more of your friendly neighborhood jman's hijinks over at yfnjman.com

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