This issue begins by highlighting the desperate situation our team finds themselves in, the isolation and the image of Captain Boomerangs boots ( all that is left after he was disintegrated) showing just how dangerous General Zod is and now they have Russian metahumans to contend with as well.

Russian metahumans make Waller and Harcourt think it’s a Russian version of the Suicide Squad leading to Waller actually worrying about her team and Harcourt making Waller look like Mary Poppins with her ice cold response!

With Hack needing more time and Zod away to kill the teams only Graphic Designer Killer Croc steps up and tries to chow down on Zods arm and clamps on like a dog with a ragdoll no matter what Zod does to him.

Hack has nearly cracked it but just needs more time (honestly her catchphrase could be 1 more minute) Flag faces up against Zod and as they both run at each other Flag epically grabs ____ and ____ straight ______ (sorry but not going to spoil that for you) and with Hack finally completing her task they can send Zod back and get the f outta there!!

Not really an origin story this time for the second half but a story of Flag testing Harley’s loyalty. The contrast is brilliant with Flags no-nonsense military demeanor and Harley trying to lick her nose it really shows what Flag is up against. He takes her and some -basically cannon fodder- backup to a remote location where they have found some Joker toxin which explodes infecting everyone leading to Harley hallucinating about the joker and how he’s disappointed in her for trying to warn her team before the booby trap went off. In all the commotion she has her chance to run but doesn’t regardless of what the Joker in her head is trying to make her do. Harley stays and saves Flag hopefully proving her loyalty even though she passes it off as self-preservation.

I loved this issue especially the Rick and Harley extra. Harley trying to lick her nose is hilarious. When the joker comes in he looks amazing, I have heard that originally the joker was inspired by David Bowie and when he is leaning against the plane wall he oozes Bowie’s charm and coolness and could have stolen his suit straight out of his wardrobe! A brilliant look for him and a brilliant series so far