With Halloween coming up, horror comics coming out of the woodwork, and remakes a popular claim to fame at the moment, The Lost Boys: The Lost Girl does deliver with a story grounded in a well-established source material and impressive artwork; driving the reader forward.

The Frog Brothers are living their lives with average prepubescent struggles, even though they have just destroyed the nest of Maxwell “Max” Hooker. With the Santa Carla Hunters Union meeting going on and Edgar Frog constantly training, it seems all is well until a new threat larger than even the Frog Brothers are ready to handle rolls into town. A strategic and detrimental attack on the S.C.H.U. puts the Frog brothers in a tight place as the last hunters in town. Are they ready to handle the new horde or will they fall alongside the S.C.H.U.?

Detailed artwork and a fantastic development of a beloved cult classic make this a comic to be followed. As a fan of the original Movie and even some of the lamer spinoffs, I am eager to see how this resonates with fans because I personally love this comic and am confident it will deliver to any and all who enjoy the Frog brothers and their vampire hunting adventures.


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