This issue stars with Detective Fayez (who went missing last issue) confessing to Greene why she is being punished.

It turns out that her team had been giving info on a terror cell planning to bomb new York they had arrested a suspect and had been ‘interrogating’ him until he basically admitted to whatever they wanted him to. They used a pretty creative technique on him and he didn’t make it through the process then to make matters worse it turned out he was totally innocent and was just unlucky enough to have a common name. Fayez told on her team as it amounted to murder but they covered it up and punished her.

Greene began to confess his secret in return but his secret was that he wasn’t Greene at all but rather the monster Greene fought in the last issue taking his form to lure Fayez there. Greene appears to rescue Fayez and confronts the monster more prepared than the previous time and defeats him. Once he finds Fayez, however, she is crazed by what she has seen and found out about Greene.

Greene and Fayaz’s boss is reporting to his boss who isn’t very happy with how he has been running things and is letting him go, Malone is about to see himself out but is kindly escorted out instead. It then cuts to Fayez’s baby’s first party where Greene has an unorthodox gift for him. As Fayez and her partner fight her and Greene get a call about a murder and have to leave and she is acting as if everything is normal with Greene and she didn’t just see him fight with a massive octopus, probably because Greene erased that part of her memory ( how nice)