The year is 2472 and there are only 13 species of animal left on earth.

More importantly Booster Gold has a date and only 200 dollars in his bank account according to a pretty snarky atm. I’m glad our ATMs don’t yet have artificial intelligence. Boosters date is ruined by an invasion of lizard people so he does the only thing he can go back in time to stop them at the beginning.

His time jump takes him to the town of Bedrock and after making his arrival known he needs help from Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble who are by now unfazed by time travel and aliens. As he gets his time sphere charged we are treated to pretty hilarious few scenes showing the perils of time travel and the fun of financial planning!

Nothing can go right for Booster possibly because his techniques are a little unorthodox but his travel back to the future was even more eventful as he drags half of Bedrock back with him and epically fails to stop the invasion until he gets a little help at the very last moment.

We also get the extra special treat of a jetsons story dealing with the end of life in the far future and the possibilities that it opens up!!

Loved it