Gotham’s greatest protector The Batman, and his gang are fighting alongside with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles once again on the sixth issue. This time, the gang are fighting an army of Kraang bots which were invading in Gotham city, and they’re the only ones to stop them
First of all, Kraang wasn’t even on the issue of the series until now, but after the battle against the Mad Hatter in New York City, the turtles traveled into a different dimension again to help Batman and his gang to stop Krang and his evil plans. However it’s not just them who traveled all the way to Gotham, but Nightwing came to help them as well. But the whole army is crawling all over town, but will our heroes save Gotham city? Or when we will see Kraang and the technodrome?
The whole story is amazing for their teamwork with Batman and the turtles right after I read the last issue. However not just that our heroes were trying to save Gotham, but Nightwing came all the way to help them. The only thing what is so amazing about this comic is that not just our heroes are fighting alongside each other, but they also bring the other characters back like, Kraang, Joker, the Shredder, and much more. However, the most important thing is that Kraang has the power to travel through dimensions from his own world of dimension x to Gotham. But actually, the story keeps going on for the next issue, because it’s amazing and easy to read those comics for some action.