The Squad needs a new leader after Rick Flag sacrificed himself but who will Amanda Waller pick?
Waller goes through each member as she decides some are obviously not going to get it but the outcome is not the most obvious choice. Katana wants it but she is controlled by dead people so may not be the most stable leader, Captain Boomerang and Deadshot don’t want it with Deadshot openly admitting he would screw them over first chance he got, Harley has regressed into madness and mayhem since Flag died and the less said about Killer Croc and Enchantress the better.
I actually love their relationship, Croc wants June to follow her dream of graphic design even though it will take her away from him and he even goes further than anyone else to ensure it happens for her and she adores him regardless of the fact that he is A MASSIVE CROCODILE!!! They get completely lost in each other as they walk the streets and passersby lose their minds at the sight of Killer Croc.
Next issue will be intense as the squad under new management finally take on the people, how will the new boss cope? Will just have to wait and see