Disney’s original Donald Duck is back on the show on this 21st comic issue from IDW comics.

For every Donald Duck fan, this comic will never disappoint you guys. However, there are two different stories of Donald Duck and his lifetime adventures from your favorite Disney characters. And also all the other comics were created and published from the past years, and some various artists and creators.

For some reason, Disney had to start things out with some amazing characters of the Disney universe. Donald Duck is one of them, going all forward to his fame competing with Mickey Mouse. Friends or Rivals, Donald Duck has some amazing stories that comprehend throughout the series. From the first story, he and his friends went out on a journey along with the professor to search for the legendary Odin’s helmet. Other than that, they managed to swim safely along with a whale pulling the boat to the treasure. It might be possible to retrieve the treasure, but the professor turned against them and plans to use the helmet to his own wishes, and found out that he was one of the last living descendants of the legendary Leif. The Ducks had to stop him in order to prevent him from having his wishes and at the end, he got turned himself in.

On the second story, we find that the cave duck is living with Donald Duck until he finds a way to get her back to her timeline. For some reason, the cave duck became a havoc to the modern timeline and she started to smash things around like a mad duck. Who would know that bringing a cave duck to the 21st century was really a bad idea, and the problem is that the time machine was broken and then Gyro had to fix it just to get her back to her timeline? So the adventures continue with the cave duck and the regular modern duck until the time machine will function once again.

To be fair, Donald Duck is one of the most important Disney characters in all history, along with Mickey Mouse and his gang. The thing is that Disney brought with so many Donald Duck comics, especially the comic artists created some sequels like the Duck Avenger or Darkwing Duck. There are so many Donald Duck comics that you could read, but the original Donald Duck comics amazes me and the other readers for these past years. I would recommend anyone to read this nostalgic comic because this comic will make you feel alive.

By Kevin Bermeo

I'm a New Yorker Artist, and I traveled a lot. I enjoy making comics, illustrations, paintings, and digital art. Besides drawing, I'm also a writer, I used to be a Gamer, and I love adventures, food, and dragons.