The appearance of Cyborg Superman and The Eradicator makes a bad situation worse for the Suicide Squad.

If fighting one Kryptonian wasn’t difficult enough now they have three to deal with and anyway you look at it, it’s not good. Luckily for the Squad Cyborg Superman and The Eradicator are only really interested in Zod and even then once they realize what he is about to do they join forces with the Squad to stop him. Zod is about to release all of the Kryptonian criminals trapped in the Phantom zone and if he succeeds then the entire world will suffer.

This is where the Suicide squad earn their hero status as well as their team moniker as they jump headfirst into an unwinnable battle with their only end game to sacrifice one of them to end the Phantom Zone once and for all. Waller shows an uncharacteristic display of emotion as she admits that it’s her fault and prepares herself to dive into the Phantom zone with a Kryptonite bomb but Rick Flag has other ideas.

The bomb works perfectly and with the knowledge that his plan has failed General Zod willingly leaves with the Superman wannabees but not after a dire premonition to Waller about her tactics and the future of the squad. Will Waller learn from her mistakes and what will happen with Harley as her blossoming relationship with Flag grinds to a seemingly definite halt