We begin in a desolate dystopian place where everyone is fighting each other for the chance to plug into a glowing cube.

Carver is one such individual and as he squeezes through with his wheelchair and finally wrestles a wire he plugs in. The cube is a gift from Prometheus (who obviously hasn’t learned his lesson) and is a portal into the lives atop Olympus with a reimagined Zeus and the rest of the Olympians. This ‘episode’ has a pretty epic looking Hades sends his Hydra up to attack and it takes all the power of Zeus and his Godlings to defeat it. Hades makes it clear he wants to defeat Zeus but is waiting for his moment to attack. As everyone detaches and is satisfied with their ‘hit’ Carver is left engrossed with the knowledge that he has been chosen to help the God’s in their upcoming battle.

LOVE the portrayal of the Gods they look bad ass and fight as they should, looks to be a few small touches that hint towards staying close to the source legends of Greek mythology in at least the essence of the characters.