Cain continues his attack on the city while Abel plays catch up.

When they were younger Abel seems to be the one looking after Cain with Cain most definitely being the weaker of the two, what could have happened between them for there to be this level of animosity? Abel expertly gets out of the police pickle Cain set up for him even with the disadvantage of not being allowed to kill anyone. Cain doesn’t have this disadvantage and slaughters more people as he makes his way through the crowd towards his next plan. Abel stops to think and they work out what his end game might be but will they be fast enough to stop him?

Abel seems to have all his bases covered and along with his group execute their plan perfectly with everything planned for, I don’t know how Abel is going to beat him but I can’t wait for them to showdown again.

I love the chaoticness of this comic and how Cain and Abel are two sides of the same coin, both have the same training but use it in different ways, can’t wait to see what it was that caused the rift between them

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